VelaVivi Association

About Us

Our association promotes sailing and the art of seamanship.
We love the sea and we wish to share with you its treasures, its culture and its tradition.
Our goal is to ignite in you a passion by taking you at sea.
We do not have set prices – we provide you with a customized holiday. According to the principle of time-based currency, several members have joined a cruise at sea in exchange of services rendered for our association or for the Gindungo. We also believe that those who help us spread our mission must be rewarded. Feel free to contact us and tell us your wishes.
The people who sail with us automatically become active members of our association for the current year. We have developed deep friendships with most of our guests on board.
In line with our articles of association, we co-operate with other sailing clubs and associations.
VelaVivi was founded in Lugano and is registered as a sports association in the Swiss company register.
Our dream is to make a Round the World Sailing Trip.