Discover the Cilento Coast: Sailing Adventure from Salerno (4 days in low season only) - cover photo

Discover the Cilento Coast: Sailing Adventure from Salerno (4 days in low season only)

28 October 2024 - 31 October 2024

  • Cilento Coast
  • 3 days trip
  • Sailboat
  • Price may vary depending on the cruise date.
  • Reservations are subjected to acceptance after availability checks. In case, the selected cruise is not available we will contact you with similar offers.
Price per Boat
0 per Person
or € 2392 entire boat

Your sailing trip

Cruise price details

Available cruises

Yacht - Sun Odyssey

Whos’ on board

  • Price may vary depending on the cruise date.
  • Reservations are subjected to acceptance after availability checks. In case, the selected cruise is not available we will contact you with similar offers.
per Boat